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Using the Linode Ansible Module to Deploy Linodes
DeprecatedThis guide has been deprecated and is no longer being maintained. Please refer to the updated version of this guide.
This guide shows how to use the older Linode Ansible module to manage Linode infrastructure. This module is maintained by members of the Linode community. A newer Linode Ansible collection is now available which is maintained by the Linode development team.
The community-maintained module still functions, but using the Ansible collection is recommended. Review our Using the Linode Ansible Collection to Deploy a Linode guide for more information.
Ansible is a popular open-source tool that can be used to automate common IT tasks, like cloud provisioning and configuration management. With Ansible’s 2.8 release
, you can deploy Linode instances using our latest
API (v4)
. Ansible’s linode_v4
module adds the functionality needed to deploy and manage Linodes via the command line or in your
Ansible Playbooks
. While the dynamic inventory plugin for Linode helps you source your Ansible inventory directly from the Linode API (v4).
In this guide you will learn how to:
- Deploy and manage Linodes using Ansible and the
module. - Create an Ansible inventory for your Linode infrastructure using the dynamic inventory plugin for Linode.
Before You Begin
Add a limited user to your Linode following the steps below, created by following the Add a limited User Account section of our Setting Up and Securing a Compute Instance guide. Ensure that all commands are entered as your limited user.
Install Ansible on your computer. Use the steps in the Control Node Setup section of the Getting Started With Ansible - Basic Installation and Setup guide.
Ensure you have Python version 2.7 or higher installed on your computer. Issue the following command to check your system’s Python version:
python --version
Install the official Python library for the Linode API v4 .
sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install linode_api4
Generate a Linode API v4 access token with permission to read and write Linodes. You can follow the Get an Access Token section of the Getting Started with the Linode API guide if you do not already have one.
Create an authentication Key-pair if your computer does not already have one.
Configure Ansible
The Ansible configuration file is used to adjust Ansible’s default system settings. Ansible will search for a configuration file in the directories listed below, in the order specified, and apply the first configuration values it finds:
environment variable pointing to a configuration file location. If passed, it will override the default Ansible configuration file.ansible.cfg
file in the current directory~/.ansible.cfg
in the home directory/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
In this section, you will create an Ansible configuration file and add options to disable host key checking, and to allow the Linode inventory plugin. The Ansible configuration file will be located in a development directory that you create, however, it could exist in any of the locations listed above. See Ansible’s official documentation for a full list of available configuration settings.
group, only add privileged users to the ansible
group, and update the Ansible configuration file’s directory to have 764
permissions. See the
Linux Users and Groups
guide for more information on permissions.In your home directory, create a directory to hold all of your Ansible related files and move into the directory:
mkdir development && cd development
Create the Ansible configuration file,
in thedevelopment
directory and add thehost_key_checking
options.- File: ~/development/ansible.cfg
1 2 3 4 5
[defaults] host_key_checking = False VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE = ./vault-pass [inventory] enable_plugins = linode
host_key_checking = False
will allow Ansible to SSH into hosts without having to accept the remote server’s host key. This will disable host key checking globally.VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE = ./vault-pass
is used to specify a Vault password file to use whenever Ansible Vault requires a password. Ansible Vault offers several options for password management. To learn more password management, read Ansible’s Providing Vault Passwords documentation.enable_plugins = linode
enables the Linode dynamic inventory plugin.
Create a Linode Instance
You can now begin creating Linode instances using Ansible. In this section, you will create an Ansible Playbook that can deploy Linodes.
Create your Linode Playbook
Ensure you are in the
directory that you created in the Configure Ansible section:cd ~/development
U sing your preferred text editor, create the
Create Linode
Playbook file and include the following values:- File: ~/development/linode_create.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
- name: Create Linode hosts: localhost vars_files: - ./group_vars/example_group/vars tasks: - name: Create a new Linode. linode_v4: label: "{{ label }}{{ 100 |random }}" access_token: "{{ token }}" type: g6-nanode-1 region: us-east image: linode/debian9 root_pass: "{{ password }}" authorized_keys: "{{ ssh_keys }}" group: example_group tags: example_group state: present register: my_linode
The Playbook
contains theCreate Linode
play, which will be executed onhosts: localhost
. This means the Ansible playbook will execute on the local system and use it as a vehicle to deploy the remote Linode instances.The
key provides the location of a local file that contains variable values to populate in the play. The value of any variables defined in the vars file will substitute any Jinja template variables used in the Playbook. Jinja template variables are any variables between curly brackets, like:{{ my_var }}
Create a new Linode
task calls thelinode_v4
module and provides all required module parameters as arguments, plus additional arguments to configure the Linode’s deployment. For details on each parameter, see the linode_v4 Module Parameters section.Note Usage ofgroups
is deprecated, but still supported by Linode’s API v4. The Linode dynamic inventory module requires groups to generate an Ansible inventory and will be used later in this guide.The
keyword defines a variable name,my_linode
that will storelinode_v4
module return data. For instance, you could reference themy_linode
variable later in your Playbook to complete other actions using data about your Linode. This keyword is not required to deploy a Linode instance, but represents a common way to declare and use variables in Ansible Playbooks. The task in the snippet below will use Ansible’s debug module and themy_linode
variable to print out a message with the Linode instance’s ID and IPv4 address during Playbook execution.1 2 3 4
... - name: Print info about my Linode instance debug: msg: "ID is {{ }} IP is {{ my_linode.instance.ipv4 }}"
Create the Variables File
In the previous section, you created the Create Linode Playbook to deploy Linode instances and made use of Jinja template variables. In this section, you will create the variables file to provide values to those template variables.
Create the directory to store your Playbook’s variable files. The directory is structured to group your variable files by inventory group. This directory structure supports the use of file level encryption that Ansible Vault can detect and parse. Although it is not relevant to this guide’s example, it will be used as a best practice.
mkdir -p ~/development/group_vars/example_group/
Create the variables file and populate it with the example variables. You can replace the values with your own.
- File: ~/development/group_vars/example_group/vars
1 2 3
ssh_keys: > ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3N..5bYqyRaQ== user@mycomputer', '~/.ssh/'] label: simple-linode-
example passes a list of two public SSH keys. The first provides the string value of the key, while the second provides a local public key file location.If your SSH Keys are passphrase-protected, you should add the keys to your SSH agent so that Ansible does not hang when running Playbooks on the remote Linode. For Linux users, run the following command. If you stored your private key in another location, update the path that’s passed to ssh-add accordingly:
eval $(ssh-agent) && ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
If you start a new terminal, you will need to run the commands in this step again before having access to the keys stored in your SSH agent.
provides a label prefix that will be concatenated with a random number. This occurs when the Create Linode Playbook’s Jinja templating for thelabel
argument is parsed (label: "{{ label }}{{ 100 |random }}"
Encrypt Sensitive Variables with Ansible Vault
Ansible Vault allows you to encrypt sensitive data, like passwords or tokens, to keep them from being exposed in your Ansible Playbooks or Roles. You will take advantage of this functionality to keep your Linode instance’s password
and access_token
encrypted within the variables file.
Create your Ansible Vault password file and add your password to the file. Remember the location of the password file was configured in the
file in the Configure Ansible section of this guide.- File: ~/development/vault-pass
Encrypt the value of your Linode’s root user password using Ansible Vault. Replace
with your own strong password that conforms to theroot_pass
parameter’s constraints.ansible-vault encrypt_string 'My.c00lPassw0rd' --name 'password'
You will see a similar output:
password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 30376134633639613832373335313062366536313334316465303462656664333064373933393831 3432313261613532346134633761316363363535326333360a626431376265373133653535373238 38323166666665376366663964343830633462623537623065356364343831316439396462343935 6233646239363434380a383433643763373066633535366137346638613261353064353466303734 3833</br> Encryption successful
Copy the generated output and add it to your
file.Encrypt the value of your access token. Replace the value of
with your own access token.ansible-vault encrypt_string '86210...1e1c6bd' --name 'token'
Copy the generated output and append it to the bottom of your
file.The final
file should resemble the example below:- File: ~/development/group_vars/example_group/vars
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
ssh_keys: > ['ssh-rsa AAAAB3N..5bYqyRaQ== user@mycomputer', '~/.ssh/'] label: simple-linode- password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 30376134633639613832373335313062366536313334316465303462656664333064373933393831 3432313261613532346134633761316363363535326333360a626431376265373133653535373238 38323166666665376366663964343830633462623537623065356364343831316439396462343935 6233646239363434380a383433643763373066633535366137346638613261353064353466303734 3833 token: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 65363565316233613963653465613661316134333164623962643834383632646439306566623061 3938393939373039373135663239633162336530373738300a316661373731623538306164363434 31656434356431353734666633656534343237333662613036653137396235353833313430626534 3330323437653835660a303865636365303532373864613632323930343265343665393432326231 61313635653463333630636631336539643430326662373137303166303739616262643338373834 34613532353031333731336339396233623533326130376431346462633832353432316163373833 35316333626530643736636332323161353139306533633961376432623161626132353933373661 36663135323664663130
Run the Ansible Playbook
You are now ready to run the Create Linode Playbook. When you run the Playbook, a 1GB Linode (Nanode) will be deployed in the Newark data center. Note: you want to run Ansible commands from the directory where your ansible.cfg
file is located.
Run your playbook to create your Linode instances.
ansible-playbook ~/development/linode_create.yml
You will see a similar output:
PLAY [Create Linode] ********************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************* ok: [localhost] TASK [Create a new Linode.] ************************************************************** changed: [localhost] PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************* localhost : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
linode_v4 Module Parameters
Parameter | Data type/Status | Usage |
access_token | string, required | Your Linode API v4 access token. The token should have permission to read and write Linodes. The token can also be specified by exposing the LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. |
authorized_keys | list | A list of SSH public keys or SSH public key file locations on your local system, for example, ['averylongstring','~/.ssh/'] . The public key will be stored in the /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file on your Linode. Ansible will use the public key to SSH into your Linodes as the root user and execute your Playbooks. |
group | string, deprecated | The Linode instance’s group. Please note, group labelling is deprecated but still supported. The encouraged method for marking instances is to use tags. This parameter must be provided to use the Linode dynamic inventory module. |
image | string | The Image ID to deploy the Linode disk from. Official Linode Images start with linode/ , while your private images start with private/ . For example, use linode/ubuntu18.04 to deploy a Linode instance with the Ubuntu 18.04 image. This is a required parameter only when creating Linode instances.To view a list of all available Linode images, issue the following command: curl . |
label | string, required | The Linode instance label. The label is used by the module as the main determiner for idempotence and must be a unique value. Linode labels have the following constraints: • Must start with an alpha character. • May only consist of alphanumeric characters, dashes (-), underscores (_) or periods (.). • Cannot have two dashes (–), underscores (__) or periods (..) in a row. |
region | string | The region where the Linode will be located. This is a required parameter only when creating Linode instances. To view a list of all available regions, issue the following command: curl . |
root_pass | string | The password for the root user. If not specified, will be generated. This generated password will be available in the task success JSON. The root password must conform to the following constraints: • May only use alphanumerics, punctuation, spaces, and tabs. • Must contain at least two of the following characters classes: upper-case letters, lower-case letters, digits, punctuation. |
state | string, required | The desired instance state. The accepted values are absent and present . |
tags | list | The user-defined labels attached to Linodes. Tags are used for grouping Linodes in a way that is relevant to the user. |
type | string, | The Linode instance’s plan type. The plan type determines your Linode’s
hardware resources
and its pricing
. To view a list of all available Linode types including pricing and specifications for each type, issue the following command: curl . |
The Linode Dynamic Inventory Plugin
Ansible uses inventories to manage different hosts that make up your infrastructure. This allows you to execute tasks on specific parts of your infrastructure. By default, Ansible will look in /etc/ansible/hosts
for an inventory, however, you can designate a different location for your inventory file and use multiple inventory files that represent your infrastructure. To support infrastructures that shift over time, Ansible offers the ability to track inventory from dynamic sources, like cloud providers. The Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for Linode can be used to source your inventory from Linode’s API v4. In this section, you will use the Linode plugin to source your Ansible deployed Linode inventory.
Configure the Plugin
Configure the Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for Linode by creating a file named
.- File: ~/development/linode.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
plugin: linode regions: - us-east groups: - example_group types: - g6-nanode-1
- The configuration file will create an inventory for any Linodes on your account that are in the
region, part of theexample_group
group and of typeg6-nanode-1
. Any Linodes that are not part of theexample_group
group, but that fulfill theus-east
region andg6-nanode-type
type will be displayed as ungrouped. All other Linodes will be excluded from the dynamic inventory. For more information on all supported parameters, see the Plugin Parameters section.
Run the Inventory Plugin
Export your Linode API v4 access token to the shell environment.
must be used as the environment variable name. Replacemytoken
with your own access token.export LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN='mytoken'
Run the Linode dynamic inventory plugin.
ansible-inventory -i ~/development/linode.yml --graph
You should see a similar output. The output may vary depending on the Linodes already deployed to your account and the parameter values you pass.
@all: |--@example_group: | |--simple-linode-29
For a more detailed output including all Linode instance configurations, issue the following command:
ansible-inventory -i ~/development/linode.yml --graph --vars
Before you can communicate with your Linode instances using the dynamic inventory plugin, you will need to add your Linode’s IPv4 address and label to your
file.The Linode Dynamic Inventory Plugin assumes that the Linodes in your account have labels that correspond to hostnames that are in your resolver search path,
. This means you will have to create an entry in your/etc/hosts
file to map the Linode’s IPv4 address to its hostname.Note A pull request currently exists to support using a public IP, private IP or hostname. This change will enable the inventory plugin to be used with infrastructure that does not have DNS hostnames or hostnames that match Linode labels.To add your deployed Linode instance to the
file:Retrieve your Linode instance’s IPv4 address:
ansible-inventory -i ~/development/linode.yml --graph --vars | grep 'ipv4\|simple-linode'
Your output will resemble the following:
| |--simple-linode-36 | | |--{ipv4 = [u'']} | | |--{label = simple-linode-36}
Open the
file and add your Linode’s IPv4 address and label:- File: /etc/hosts
1 2 localhost simple-linode-29
Verify that you can communicate with your grouped inventory by pinging the Linodes. The ping command will use the dynamic inventory plugin configuration file to target
. Theu root
option will run the command as root on the Linode hosts.ansible -m ping example_group -i ~/development/linode.yml -u root
You should see a similar output:
simple-linode-29 | SUCCESS => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" }
Plugin Parameters
Parameter | Data type/Status | Usage |
access_token | string, required | Your Linode API v4 access token. The token should have permission to read and write Linodes. The token can also be specified by exposing the LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. |
plugin | string, required | The plugin name. The value must always be linode in order to use the dynamic inventory plugin for Linode. |
regions | list | The Linode region with which to populate the inventory. For example, us-east is possible value for this parameter.To view a list of all available regions, issue the following command: curl . |
types | list | The Linode type with which to populate the inventory. For example, g6-nanode-1 is a possible value for this parameter.To view a list of all available Linode types including pricing and specifications for each type, issue the following command: curl . |
groups | list | The Linode group with which to populate the inventory. Please note, group labelling is deprecated but still supported. The encouraged method for marking instances is to use tags. This parameter must be provided to use the Linode dynamic inventory module. |
Delete Your Resources
To delete the Linode instance created in this guide, create a Delete Linode Playbook with the following content in the example. Replace the value of
with your Linode’s label:- File: ~/development/linode_delete.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- name: Delete Linode hosts: localhost vars_files: - ./group_vars/example_group/vars tasks: - name: Delete your Linode Instance. linode_v4: label: simple-linode-29 state: absent
Run the Delete Linode Playbook:
ansible-playbook ~/development/linode_delete.yml
More Information
You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.
This page was originally published on