# Example Plugin A plugin to provide an example for creating Vim plugins. ## Installation 1. Example Plugin requires that you have both [Python 3](https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download) and [aspell](http://aspell.net/) installed on your system. On Linux, you can generally install these from your package manager. On macOS, you can install them via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/). And on Windows, use the links here to locate downloads for the Windows versions. 1. Use your favorite Vim plugin manager to add Example Plugin. With [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug), just add this line to your plugin configuration: `Plug 'example-user/example-plugin'`. ## Usage Example Plugin comes with three functions: - `DisplayTime` shows you the current date and time. You can optionally pass it `"d"` as an argument to display only the date, or `"t"` to display only the time. - `DefineWord` fetches definitions from Wiktionary for the word under the cursor. - `AspellCheck` uses aspell to list spelling suggestions for the word under the cursor. You may want to map these to key bindings for easy access. Here are some example key bindings you can add to your `.vimrc`: nnoremap <LEADER>zt :DisplayTime<CR> nnoremap <LEADER>zd :DefineWord<CR> nnoremap <LEADER>za :AspellCheck<CR> By default, the leader key is `\`, so this would let you access the functions by pressing **\** followed by **Z** followed by one other key.